F I V E * F O R * F R I D A Y

By 10:13:00 PM , , , , , , , , , ,

Happy Friday, little unicorns!

Yay! It's finally here! Thank Goodness.

Let's get to it, shall we? Your #FiveForFriday:

1.If you love makeup then you probably know all about Ipsy. 
If don't know then you’re in for a treat. 
Ipsy is a monthly makeup subscription  that comes right to your mailbox for just $10! 
There are 3 things I love most about Ipsy:

A. A lot of their makeup products don’t test on animals!

B. Every month you get your makeup in a cute reusable pouch! 
I’ve collected quite a few over the course of my subscription 
and use them when I travel, when I go out, as a gift bag.
 I love little things like that, so it makes me a happy girl.

C. When I first got Ipsy I didn't know much about makeup 
( & I am still learning) but with all the cool products I got
 I started trying them out and learning about products and 
brands I didn't even know existed! Um, Brow Mascara?! 
Now my sister, who loves makeup WAY more than I do 
comes to my bathroom and she acts like she's in heaven!

If you’re interested in trying it out HERE is a link! 
You can try it for one month or for multiple months! 
Just cancel when you no longer want to get cute stuff in the mail.

2. I came across Buy Me Brunch  searching Pinterest for a 
fun graphic tee for my 25th birthday. 
I totally had a  Pajama Party. Be jealous. 
When I saw this I was obsessed! I love a fun t-shirt! 
I never got the chance to get it though :( 
The other shirts they have are great too! 
You should definitely check them out! 

3. When I created my Instagram name 5 years ago 
I had no Idea that an amazing girls movement by 
the name of I am that girl even existed.  I was so surprised 
when I stumbled upon them 2 years ago! I took a look at the site, 
took the pledge, and followed them on every social media outlet. 

I'm currently working on my journey of self love and trying to figure 
out what  the heck I was put on this planet to do and that's exactly what 
this book is all about. It was perfect timing.

If you are feeling the same pressures and want to check it out

4. ITS SO FLUFFY! Are these furry kaleidoscope goggles amazing or what?! 
I want one of each style from H0les!  So, if you see a wild woman wearing fluffy 
kaleidoscope goggles, don't worry,  its just me!

5.  “And suddenly you just know… it’s time to start something new 
and trust the magic of beginnings.” 
-Meister Eckhart

Always believe in the power of magic.
Enough said.

High-Five for making it to Friday!

What are some of your favorite things you 
want the internet world to know about?

Comment here or on my insta @MhmThatGirl

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